A little bit about myself


My name is Bonté Emma Bana, I’m a product designer based in Kigali, Rwanda. I am passionate about improving accessibility to digital interfaces and I use human-centered design to create digital products and services that are intuitive and accessible. I am a self-taught designer, and I am constantly learning and improving my skills, as I believe that staying up to date with the latest design trends and techniques is crucial in this industry.

My interest in technology began at a young age as I enjoyed playing with computers and other gadgets. This interest was further fueled during the Covid-19 pandemic when I had more time to explore different learning platforms and boot camps.

I specialize in mobile and web design and have worked on a variety of projects ranging from e-commerce websites to social media apps. I have a strong eye for detail and am dedicated to ensuring that my designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to use and navigate. In addition to my design skills, I also have a strong understanding of coding principles. I believe that a strong foundation in both design and development is essential for creating successful products.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, traveling, and exploring different places and restaurants to get new experiences and different cuisines. I am also a big fan of music and enjoy playing the guitar in my free time.

Let's Connect😊